Thursday, December 5, 2019

Editing for Tomorrow

After I finished filming on Saturday, November 23, I began dumping all of my footage onto my computer. This is also the day that I began editing for my music video. Due to me not having an editing software on my laptop, I had to edit on my iPhone. The editing application that I used was iMovie. To begin the dumping process, I took out the SD card out of the camera and inserted it into my laptop. Then, I dumped the footage onto my laptop from the SD card. Due to me having to edit on my phone, I had to find a way to transfer the footage from my laptop and onto my phone. So to do this, I dumped my footage from my laptop and onto my Google Drive. This way, I was able to access my footage from any device, including my phone. After this step was completed, I still had to save the footage from my Google Drive and onto my phone. This took a while to do, however, I eventually got it done. After uploading all of my footage onto my phone, I could finally begin editing my music video.
 After importing my footage onto iMovie, the first thing I did was arrange my footage in its correct order. Next, I began to trim the clips down to match the tempo of the song. This was also followed by me deleting some clips as a whole if they didn't look good. Because I did not have all of my footage recorded already, I had to work with what I had. This left me a lot of empty space at the time of editing my music video. After I filmed a little more on Tuesday, I edited some parts of my music video. This included me rearranging the opening clips, along with changing the speed of them. This was both slowing and fast-forwarding the footage. However, I still had to film a lot more shots to complete my music video. On Monday is when I decided to finish up filming. After filming, I took out the SD card out of my camera and began the dumping process again. From my Google Drive, I dumped the footage onto my phone and then imported it into iMovie.
After importing my footage, I began editing the last half of my music video. I made sure to record extra footage on Monday so that I could fill all of the empty spaces, which it was. Again, I had to speed up and slow down some clips because I wanted to have the, follow the beat of the song. I also zoomed in a little on a clip so that I would be the main focus in the shot. Additionally, I also added some transitions which included dissolves and jumpcuts. To finish off my music video, I sent to my friend, Cristy to see if she thought that I needed to add or delete some things. After making these last finishing touches, which only included trimming some clips, I decided I was happy with how my music video turned out.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Filming Blog #2- 12/2/2019

After my first day of filming was done, I still had many things left to film. This included two-shots, wide shots, and tracking shots. I also had to refilm some of the opening shots at the beginning of my music video due to the weather not being ideal at the time. I would have to refilm these shots during the morning or afternoon on a bright and sunny day. However, some of these shots could not be filmed within the last week due to scheduling problems. My friend Karli, could no longer be in my music video anymore as she was busy. This would mean that I would have to completely change my plans for the last half of my music video. Additionally, my friend Cristy was also unable to help me film during our Thanksgiving break. This would mean that I would have to find somebody else to help me film.
On Tuesday, November 26 is when I continued the filming process. This time, I had to do it by myself. By using the tripod, I filmed an extreme close-up of my eyes. This was all that I had time to film this day. However, I continued filming the following day. I began filming in the morning, which was bright and sunny. This was the perfect lighting for the shots that I had to refilm. Although, due to my camera not being charged, I decided to film on my iPhone because I didn't want to lose the opportunity of having good lighting. With my phone, I filmed an establishing shot, wide shots, and zoom-in and zoom-outs. These shots included mainly landscapes, such as my house, passing cars, and my neighborhood. After I completed filming, I went back home and dumped all of my footage onto my computer.
The week after was time for my last couple of shots to be filmed. Due to my original plans being halted, I decided to ask my brother to help me film on Monday. After teaching him how the camera and tripod worked, we decided to head out to start filming on Monday afternoon. On this day, we filmed a long shot, a tracking shot, POV, and a wide shot. These shots had to be done with only myself as the actor. The activity that I was doing in these shots was skating around my neighborhood. Although, these shots were somehwat difficult to film. Due to me not skating in a while, it was hard to get a clean shot of me skating. This result in many takes, however, we eventually got the perfect shot.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Filming Blog Music Video 11/25/2019

For my music video, I decided to have my friend, Cristy help me film. I checked out the filming equipment, e.g. the tripod, camera, and SD card on Friday. But due to busy scheduling, I was unable to film on Friday. This would have been the day that I would have been able to film with Karli as well. However, she had to cancel her plans that day. On Saturday though, Cristy was available, so we decided to film on that day. After she arrived at my house, we decided to get filming as soon as possible. This was important so that we would not waste any sunlight for filming. I first changed into my pajamas for the scenes that would be filmed in my room. We then got the filming equipment set up in my room. This took a while though, as we were trying to figure out which setting on the camera would make the lighting look the best. However, we eventually figured things out. After filming the scenes on my bed, we then proceeded to the POV shot. This was followed by an extreme close-up. Both of these shots were pretty easy to film. The only problem that we ran into was the timing of each of these shots.

Next, we moved into the kitchen. This is where we re-setup our equipment. Here, we filmed a wide shot of me eating cereal and of me using my phone. We also had a film a close-up of my phone getting a text message. However, this was very difficult to film because by this time it was already 3P.M. We tried changing the times on our phones, yet it still displayed the fact that it was 3P.M. So, we decided to scrap that scene for now. This is a shot that I would have to refilm another day. Moving along, we then went back into my room to continue filming after having a lunch break. This is where we filmed close-ups of me getting ready. First, we filmed me buttoning up my jeans. Then, of me brushing my hair. After, we filmed me cuffing my jeans. And finally, we filmed me tieing my shirt into a knot. Next, it was time to go film outside. But before this, we filmed me opening my door. Our first outdoor scene was an establishing shot of my house. This was followed by pans of the sky, flowers, and streets. Although, we ran into some problems during filming. We realized that the shots were showing up too dark on the camera. This was not ideal as the lighting for my music video was supposed to be bright and sunny. So, we decided to pack up our equipment and head back home which concluded my first day of filming. This would mean that I would have to reshoot these shots during a brighter time.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

BLOG 2- Music Video Storyboard

For the costumes in my music video, I will be wearing pajamas for the scene that will take place in the morning. Additionally, Karli and I will also be wearing basic everyday clothing for the scenes where we meet up. The lighting in my music video will be mainly bright and sunny, as they will either be filmed outside or near a window. However, for the scene where I'm still asleep, the lighting will be slightly dimmer. The actors in my music video will be Karli and myself. We will be playing two friends who meet up together. I will be wearing minimal makeup for the scenes where I am getting ready to go out. The props in my music video will include a hairbrush, a blanket and pillows, and an iPhone. Additionally, I will also be using cereal as a prop as this will be in the scene where I'm eating breakfast. The setting for my music video will be my neighborhood. Specifically, this will be my house (my room and my kitchen), my driveway, behind my house, and the surrounding street near my house.
The camera angles that I will be using will be an eye-level angle, a low angle, and a high angle. For example, I will use a low angle when my iPhone receives a message. I will be using an eye-level angle for when I see Karli on my driveway. And finally, I will be using a high angle for when I film opening shots of the sky. The camera movements that I will be using will be pans, tilts, and zoom-ins. A few examples are when I use a pan to film the sky. Also, I will use a tilt for when I film my neighborhood street. Lastly, I will use a zoom-in for when I film some flowers in my neighborhood. The camera shots that I will be using will be a long shot of me opening my door, a medium shot of me folding my blanket, a medium close up of me brushing my hair, an extreme close up of my eyes, a wide shot of me sleeping, and a two-shot of Karli and I. Furthermore, I will be using a POV shot for when I open my blinds, an establishing shot of my house, and an aerial shot of the cars behind my street. The editing that I will be using is a cutaway for when I receive a message while I'm eating breakfast. Moreover, I will also use an eye-line match, reaction shot, and a shot/ reverse shot for when I see Karli on my driveway. Most of the footage in my music video, however, will be brought together by jumpcuts. The only sound that will be in the music video will be the song that I chose.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

BLOG 1- Music Video Planning

For my music video, I will be filming in my neighborhood. Scenes where only I will be acting will be shot inside my house. However, shots that include landscape or my friend, Karli will be shot on my driveway or around the neighborhood street.
To ensure the safety of the actors while filming, we will be filming during the daytime. This ensures that if cars are driving by, they will see us filming and avoid us. We will also be filming with three people involved so that just in case one of us gets injured, the others will be there to assist. Furthermore, we will also stay near my house. That way, we can quickly rush to safety if needed.
For props, I will include a blanket for the shot of me folding the blanket and fixing my bed. Additionally, I will also have a phone on my desk for the scene where I get a text message. Finally, I will be using a hairbrush for the scene of me brushing my hair.
For costumes, we will be wearing basic everyday clothing. This includes jeans and a simple t-shirt. However, due to the current weather conditions, we may need to layer up with a jacket that day if needed to ensure that no one gets too cold while filming.
For the first day that I started this project, which was November 18th, I planned my storyboard. This included me finding out where, when, and who I would film for my music video. The next day, I secured my actors and someone to film. Two days after, I completed the storyboard and I blogged. On Thursday is when I would be able to check out a camera and a tripod, along with an SD card and an SD card reader. This would mean that I would be filming on Friday with my friends Cristy and Karli. Cristy will be filming while Karli and I will be acting in the music video. On this day, I should be able to get most of my scenes filmed. However, if I didn't, I would have to film the next day. I would also be dumping my footage onto my computer during this day. The following week would consist of me editing my footage. I would be mainly editing in class; however, I could also use my time at home to edit in order to complete the project faster. The due date for this project is December 9th. This means that if everything goes according to plan, I should have my music video done by next week. This is so that is any difficulties occur, I will still have plenty of time to fix them. Although this may be difficult to accomplish, the filming and editing process should run smoothly for the most part as I already know how the camera works and how to edit.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Music Video Research Introduction

For our next media project, we have to create a music video for a song of our choice. Today, November 14, 2019, is the first day for this project. We had to choose our song and then research the conventions of our genre during this class period. The research process is still something that is new to me, as this is only the second media studies project that I have done. However the process is getting easier to accomplish. After researching the conventions of our genre, the next step is to create a storyboard. This is a project that must be done outside of school. So it is important to keep that in mind when choosing the settings for each shot. Additionally, the music video should only be about 1 minute and 15 seconds.

The song that I chose for this project is Tomorrow by Kali Uchis. This is an R&B/soul song that was released in 2018. I chose this song because it has special meaning and nostalgia to me. It reminds me of memories that I've had during a previous summer which is something that I feel like I can replicate in my music video. Additionally, this song is also very mellow and soft, yet some parts of it become more upbeat. This is something that can have an interesting effect on my music video if the editing is according to the tempos. I also chose this song because the actors that I chose to be in my video like this song as well. Since they enjoy this song too, the filming process will be a lot more fun to film compared to a song that they otherwise would've not liked.

The genre of the song that I chose is R&B/soul.
1) Some common costumes featured in R&B music videos includes revealing or minimal clothing. This is used to build the tension of love that is commonly expressed in R&B. The most common articles of clothing includes dresses, high-heels, or tank tops.
2) The lighting of most R&B music videos tends to be dark or gloomy. This type of lighting is used to create a more mysterious atmosphere.
3) Typically, the acting in R&B involves a love story. This usually involves a woman and a man who either fall in or out of love with each other. Additionally, another common form of acting that is used is when a woman is breaking out of a relationship, and expressing her new confidence in herself
4) Make-up in R&B is commonly very dramatic or dark. This includes aspects such as red lipstick, smokey eye shadow, or bold eyeliner.
5) In many R&B music videos, a chair is a common prop to be used; typically the singer is on this chair lip-syncing their song. A car is also a common prop as it is used to show the couple in their daily lives.
6) The setting in most R&B music videos tends to be a bedroom or a party, where the two partners may meet up at.

Some common camera angles and shots that are used in R&B music videos are eye level, long shot, medium close up, close up, and extreme close up; typically these are of the singer themselves who may be lip-syncing the song. Additionally, a two-shot is also very commonly used to show the couple that may be featured in the music video. Common camera movements are tracking shots and pans. These can be used the show the couple walking together or meeting up.

Digetic sound is commonly used before the music video starts to set up the scene of where the couple initially meets, an example would be the people talking at the party. Non-digetic sound is also commonly added in the editing process to represent ice mixing around a drink or heels on the floor, for example.

A cutaway, eye-line match, and shot/ reverse shot is commonly used in R&B music videos. These can be used to represent dance sequences that may be featured in the music video or just to show the singer's perspective when getting ready for example.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Editing Blog for Commercial

After filming each of our shots and saved them to a flash drive, it was time to begin editing. Our first days for editing were halted, as Pinnacle Studios was down on the computers. So, we had to wait until next week to actually begin the editing process. On Tuesday, we finally began editing our commercial. We first pulled up the footage from the flash drive to review what we recorded. During this time, we decided to delete some of the outtakes as they would no longer be used in our commercial. After reviewing the clips on more time altogether, we decided that we happy with the clips that we were left with. To begin editing, we first took the clips off the flash drive and put it into a folder to prepare it for Pinnacle Studios. Then we opened pinnacle studios then we put the clips together. We made sure to follow the order of our storyboard when organizing our footage.

 After everything was in order, we then began trimming each clip. We had to make sure that no dialogue, other than the one needed for the commercial, was included. After putting all the footage together, we reviewed it to see if we liked how it looked so far. We decided to add some other trimming touches after reviewing so that the clips would run more smoothly. This also included added our transitions such as cutaways, dissolves, and jumpcuts. Next, we began editing the actual content of the footage itself. This included speeding up and slowing down some clips. This was necessary to make the story of the commercial more cohesive. This was also an important step because our commercial was originally too long. Some clips were sped up to reach the limit of 35 seconds for the commercial. I decided that we would also have to delete some clips due to our commercial being over 1 minute long still.

As a group, we all agreed on which parts exactly we wanted to remove from our commercial. After shortening the entire commercial, it finally got up to be 35 seconds long. We then watched our commercial again to see if it met our standards. At this point, it was time to add sound to our commercial. After discussing what song we wanted to have in the commercial, we saved our project to Audrey's flash drive. This had ended our first day of editing. This is also where I borrowed Audrey's flash drive and went home to add music to our commercial. I recorded the song 'skater boi' by Avril Lavigne and added it to our commercial. I also had to trim down the song to only include the chorus for our commercial. After completing this, I saved the finishing changes to Audrey flash drive. The next morning I sent the commercial to Audrey which had ended my role in editing, as I was not here during my group's last day of editing.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing Blog 10/28/19

Today was our last day of filming the final shots for our commercial. This day was also meant to begin the process of editing for our commercial as well. However, none of the school computers would run Pinnacle Studios! This meant that we would be behind on the editing of our commercial by a day. Nonetheless, this also gave us most of the class to finish filming our shots, which worked in my group's favor. We first checked out the cameras and then gathered our props to head outside. I had to change into my costume since I would be included in the shots today. We then had to re-film some of our shots, as we had a costume change for Alicia and Audrey. We re-shot an over-the-shoulder shot, a zoom-in shot, and a tracking shot. After re-filming, we then proceeded to film the rest of our commercial.

This time, I would be playing a Vans store employee for the commercial. My part was to hand the box of Vans to Alicia. After bringing a table from the media center to the outside, we then began setting up our props to make it look like a Vans store. We had trouble deciding on what shots we should film first. However, I eventually came to a conclusion which my group agreed with. We filmed a medium-long shot, pan, POV shot, and a close-up shot in our “Vans store”. After this, Alicia changed into her Vans so we could film our next shot. Next, we headed to the stairs to film the tracking shot of Alicia's shoes. We then finished off filming by shooting a pan and zoom out of the crowd. Now it was time to gather our props and head back to the classroom to dump.

After returning our filming equipment, we asked for an SD card reader and began the process of dumping our footage onto Audrey's flash drive. Due to us dumping our footage last class, this time, dumping became a lot faster and easier to do. After dumping all of our footage, we then reviewed some shots as a group to see if they were satisfactory for us. We also reviewed some shots that we filmed last class to see if they were also satisfactory. After reviewing, we ejected the SD card reader and returned it back. I also ejected the flash drive and returned it back to Audrey. However, we could not begin editing today as Pinnacle Studios was down. But, it ended up working out for us, as we used the extra time to re-film some shots for our commercial. Moreover, the next class will be completely focused on editing. This is where our shots will fully come together to make the final product of our Vans commercial.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Blog

For the first day of filming, I was in charge of filming most shots along with my group member, Nerlande. However, I was also in charge of dressing as a Vans store employee for the shots that I would be acting in. I had to bring a beanie, Vans shoes, and borrow a Vans shirt from Audrey to dress my part. After checking out our camera equipment, we each gathered our props and headed to the senior patio. We were first set up on a table near the restrooms; however, I could not get the umbrella to open so I asked another group how to open it. After still not being able to open the umbrella, I then found a new table with an already opened umbrella. This is where we started setting up our equipment. I helped to bring our props over and place them on a bench near our setup. This is also where I began putting on my props on to look like my character. However, one thing that Nerlande and I noticed was that we needed a screw to secure the camera to the tripod. After Nerlande and I ran back to the classroom to retrieve this screw, we could then finish setting up our equipment.

After Nerlande set up the tripod, I then secured the camera to it and we were ready to begin filming. It took a minute to figure out how the camera worked, but we eventually figured it out. We first filmed the establishing shot of the senior patio. After, we then moved on the recording the shots with Audrey and Alicia in them. We loosely followed our original script and had moments of improv while filming. I filmed a wide shot of Alicia, along with filming the POV shot. After we completed all of our senior patios shots. After I packed up the filming equipment, we then each gathered all of our props and headed to the media center stairs. This is where I filmed the tracking shot of Alicia's shoes. I then continued to set up our props on the media center to create our "Vans store". I then began to film the over-the-shoulder shot of Alicia, which took many takes to get right.

After filming all of these shots, it was my turn to be in the shots now. However, we had no time left to shoot any more shots if we wanted to dump our footage into the computer. So I packed up the filming equipment and we each took our props back to the classroom. I handed my props to Audrey because we decided to leave all of our props in the classroom. I later began the processing of dumping, with the help of Nerlande. We had trouble trying to dump our footage since we had never done it before. However, Audrey suggested that we should dump the footage into her flash drive instead of the computer. As Audrey and Alicia returned the filming equipment, I dumped our footage onto Audrey's flash drive. Then as a group we reviewed some of the footage that we recorded today which ended our first day of filming.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Storyboard Blog

-Establishing shot
-Two Shot
-POV Shot
-Reaction Shot
-Tracking Shot
-Over the Shoulder Shot
-Medium Shot
-High Angle
-Medium Close Up Shot
-Long Shot
-Close-Up Shot
-Eye-Line Match
-Wide Angle
-Tracking Shot
-Burn out

Monday, October 21, 2019

Editing Blog

To edit the footage that we’ve recorded, we will be using Pinnacle Studio on the school computers. Because of this, we must use the same computer with the same student login or else our footage won’t be found. However, to begin editing, we first need to dump our footage from the cameras into the computer. To dump, we must place our SD card into the SD card reader and then into the computer. Before opening Pinnacle Studio, we need to open a new folder and place our footage in that folder. This footage can be found in the DCIM section of the folder. However, if it is not found here, it may be located in the Private, AVCHD, then Stream section of the folder. The footage will be organized by time and date. After this is done, we can then open Pinnacle Studio and import the footage into the editing software. 
Pinnacle Studio's software is organized in 3 layers to edit, add sound, and add a title to our footage. After placing the raw footage into the editing layer, we can then begin editing. Something important to note before editing is that we must wait for the screen to turn green. If we click the computer before it has fully loaded green, we risk the computers crashing and possibly losing all progress, if any was made. Moving along, a common editing tool is the razor blade. This is used to cut the footage so that it is now two parts. Additionally, something important in this editing software is that you can move the red bar to see exactly how the footage looks without playing it. This is helpful when you want to make quick editing adjustments to your footage.
Besides the editing tools, there are also tools to enhance or create new audio. You can do this by detaching the audio to edit it or by adding a voiceover. You can also add music to your film by converting a song from YouTube into an MP3. Additionally, you can also add titles to your film by pressing the T icon. This is important for letting the audience know what your film may be about. Something that is also useful is distorting or enhancing certain scenes from your footage. This allows things, such as a nighttime scene, to be easily altered to create a more eerie appearance for the audience. Finally, when you have finished editing your footage, you can press export and click the option "mpeg4" to view your project in its full size.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog for Vans Commercial

Our commercial is about Vans.
1) Props
The props that we will use in this commercial will be Vans shoe boxes, a skateboard, a Vans coupon, and Halloween decorations.
2) Costumes
The costumes that we use in this commercial will include Vans apparel. Specifically, Vans shirts, Vans hoodie, Vans shoes, a beanie, and chains for the actors playing on the Vans side. We will also include Converse shoes and shirt for the Converse-side actor.
First, we will make the storyboard and the script for the commercial. After everyone learns their lines and places, we will begin filming our commercial in the senior patio. Continuing with the commercial on the next day, we will shoot extra takes of skateboard tricks for our commercial which will be featured at the end of the commercial. When we finish filming at the first location, we will then move onto our next location: the Media Center stairs.On the last day of this assignment, we will edit our commercial and put every shot in the order of our storyboard.
4) Location
The locations that will be used for our commercial will be the senior patio, specifically the steps and the tables. We will also film in the Media Center stairs, which is where our "Vans store" set will be.
5) Back Up Plan
So if it's raining,we will have to film inside the Media Studies classroom instead of the senior patio. Additionally, we will have to film our skateboard shots near the Media Center instead because we can still get outside shots, however we will still have a roof over us to not get wet. Also, if one of us who is acting is absent, we will have to change roles in the commercial and one of us would have to play someone else's part. Additionally, if our camera man is absent, we will have one of our actors film, while another actor takes their part.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Our commercial is about Vans products. Some common conventions and codes in Vans commercials include skaters as actors. The target demographic for Vans include teens and young adults, which is why the actors in these commercials are also generally young adults or teens. These actors are typically athletic and often run or do skateboard tricks in the commercials. They also wear Vans shoes and Vans shirts or socks in the commercials. Vans commercials may also feature famous athletes or skaters to talk about the products. The actors are normally within a group of friends; however, some commercials include skaters by themselves.
Image result for vans shoes commercial
Additionally, the location of these commercials are usually outside in skate parks or on the street. Typically, the lighting of these commercials are very bright due to the sunny weather of being outside. However, commercials that feature more close ups of the shoes tend to have darker lighting. 
Image result for vans shoes commercial
Lastly, common music found in Vans commercials include Rock or Upbeat music. Popular artists that make this type of music for Vans commercials are Avril Lavigne, Sik-K, and DJ, Mia Carucci.

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Hi, my name is Karen. I am in the 11th grade and I currently attend Fort Lauderdale High School. I am in the Cambridge program, so I take AICE classes. This year, I am taking AICE Thinking Skills, AICE Media Studies, and AICE Marine. Out of all these classes, I enjoy AICE Marine the most. Besides my AICE classes, I also take US History, Dance, Pre-Calculus, and AP English Composition. I find US History very interesting to learn about so I do like being in that class. I also like Dance a lot as well. It pushes me out of my boundaries and makes me more confident in my skills and abilities not only in Dance but also in myself as a person.
Some of my interests include music, cultures, and the environment. I enjoy most genres of music, but my favorite genres of music include Hip-Hop, K-Pop, and Alternative. My favorites music artists are Tyler, the Creator, Blood Orange, BTS, Kero Kero Bonito, LOONA, and BROCKHAMPTON. Additionally, I also like exploring new cultures. A dream of mine would be to travel the world and learn new languages. The idea that everyone is a part of a different culture fascinates me and is something that I am very interested in. Furthermore, another thing that I am interested in is the environment and its animals. I enjoy learning about ways that I can help or forward the conservation of our planet. It is also the reason why I've decided to go vegetarian, which is something that means a lot to me.
However, I do have some dislikes, which include rudeness, people who aren't open-minded, and humidity. One thing that I hate to witness is someone else being disrespectful or rude to someone for no apparent reason. Instances may be uncalled for and are only made worse through the hatred of someone else. Additionally, I also dislike people who aren't open-minded. Whether it's not taking a risk to make a change, or not being accepting of the opinions of others, I dislike this because it shows that a person is not open to having a formal and honest discussion about topics that really matter. Also, another thing that really gets on my nerves is humidity. One of the worst things about living in Florida, besides the drivers, is humidity. Something about making 82-degree weather feel like 97 degrees really limits the kind of clothes or hairstyles you can wear that day which is why it's something I really dislike.