Wednesday, November 20, 2019

BLOG 1- Music Video Planning

For my music video, I will be filming in my neighborhood. Scenes where only I will be acting will be shot inside my house. However, shots that include landscape or my friend, Karli will be shot on my driveway or around the neighborhood street.
To ensure the safety of the actors while filming, we will be filming during the daytime. This ensures that if cars are driving by, they will see us filming and avoid us. We will also be filming with three people involved so that just in case one of us gets injured, the others will be there to assist. Furthermore, we will also stay near my house. That way, we can quickly rush to safety if needed.
For props, I will include a blanket for the shot of me folding the blanket and fixing my bed. Additionally, I will also have a phone on my desk for the scene where I get a text message. Finally, I will be using a hairbrush for the scene of me brushing my hair.
For costumes, we will be wearing basic everyday clothing. This includes jeans and a simple t-shirt. However, due to the current weather conditions, we may need to layer up with a jacket that day if needed to ensure that no one gets too cold while filming.
For the first day that I started this project, which was November 18th, I planned my storyboard. This included me finding out where, when, and who I would film for my music video. The next day, I secured my actors and someone to film. Two days after, I completed the storyboard and I blogged. On Thursday is when I would be able to check out a camera and a tripod, along with an SD card and an SD card reader. This would mean that I would be filming on Friday with my friends Cristy and Karli. Cristy will be filming while Karli and I will be acting in the music video. On this day, I should be able to get most of my scenes filmed. However, if I didn't, I would have to film the next day. I would also be dumping my footage onto my computer during this day. The following week would consist of me editing my footage. I would be mainly editing in class; however, I could also use my time at home to edit in order to complete the project faster. The due date for this project is December 9th. This means that if everything goes according to plan, I should have my music video done by next week. This is so that is any difficulties occur, I will still have plenty of time to fix them. Although this may be difficult to accomplish, the filming and editing process should run smoothly for the most part as I already know how the camera works and how to edit.

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