Thursday, December 5, 2019

Editing for Tomorrow

After I finished filming on Saturday, November 23, I began dumping all of my footage onto my computer. This is also the day that I began editing for my music video. Due to me not having an editing software on my laptop, I had to edit on my iPhone. The editing application that I used was iMovie. To begin the dumping process, I took out the SD card out of the camera and inserted it into my laptop. Then, I dumped the footage onto my laptop from the SD card. Due to me having to edit on my phone, I had to find a way to transfer the footage from my laptop and onto my phone. So to do this, I dumped my footage from my laptop and onto my Google Drive. This way, I was able to access my footage from any device, including my phone. After this step was completed, I still had to save the footage from my Google Drive and onto my phone. This took a while to do, however, I eventually got it done. After uploading all of my footage onto my phone, I could finally begin editing my music video.
 After importing my footage onto iMovie, the first thing I did was arrange my footage in its correct order. Next, I began to trim the clips down to match the tempo of the song. This was also followed by me deleting some clips as a whole if they didn't look good. Because I did not have all of my footage recorded already, I had to work with what I had. This left me a lot of empty space at the time of editing my music video. After I filmed a little more on Tuesday, I edited some parts of my music video. This included me rearranging the opening clips, along with changing the speed of them. This was both slowing and fast-forwarding the footage. However, I still had to film a lot more shots to complete my music video. On Monday is when I decided to finish up filming. After filming, I took out the SD card out of my camera and began the dumping process again. From my Google Drive, I dumped the footage onto my phone and then imported it into iMovie.
After importing my footage, I began editing the last half of my music video. I made sure to record extra footage on Monday so that I could fill all of the empty spaces, which it was. Again, I had to speed up and slow down some clips because I wanted to have the, follow the beat of the song. I also zoomed in a little on a clip so that I would be the main focus in the shot. Additionally, I also added some transitions which included dissolves and jumpcuts. To finish off my music video, I sent to my friend, Cristy to see if she thought that I needed to add or delete some things. After making these last finishing touches, which only included trimming some clips, I decided I was happy with how my music video turned out.

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