Some common camera angles that I found in the movie, Killers Anonymous, were eye-level angles and high angles. Some common camera movements that I found throughout this movie were tracking shots, quick pans, and tilts. These were mainly used for the action scenes in the movie. Some common camera shots that I found in this movie were wide shots, long shots, medium close-ups, and close-ups, which were typical of the main characters.
The costumes that I found throughout this movie were quite different from what is normally found in most mystery movies. This is because the main characters, who were a group of killers, wore articles of clothing such as leather jackets, boots, and bandanas. The lighting of this film was also pretty different compared to most mystery films as the lighting tended to be pretty bright and often used color, such as orange and purple, to display certain settings. The actors in this film were often times serious as it dealt with the subject matter of assassination, however, some characters tended to have a lighthearted attitude sometimes. The makeup for this movie included lots of blood as there were many fighting scenes added into this movie. The props for this movies mainly included weapons of all sorts. More specifically for fighting scenes, common weapons that were used were baseball bats, swords, axes, and guns. The setting of this movie took place in many areas such as a bar or in a restaurant. Additionally, some action or fighting scenes also took place in an underground basement and a nightclub.
Some common editing that I found while watching this movie were jumpcuts, shot/reverse shots, eye-line matches, and action matches. Some common sounds that I heard throughout this movie were voiceovers, dialogues, diegetic, and non-dietic sounds. This movie also featured a relevant score that used guitar and western music in order to enhance some fighting scenes. Some common elements that I found in this movie that are similar to the elements found in the mystery genre included crime, which was suspenseful as it also brought in the aspect of murder.
The elements that I liked about this movie was that it tended to stray away from some of the common conventions found in most mystery movies, such as the attire. I also enjoyed the score of this movie as I felt as though it really enhanced the scenes of the movie. However, an element that I did not enjoy about this movie was the lighting. I felt as though the bright and vivid lighting often did not fit the aura that the movie was going for.
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