Friday, January 24, 2020

Genre Research: Action

For this project, we had to work in a group to create a PowerPoint about a certain genre. Genres were assigned and my group was given the action genre. We had to describe the lighting, camera angles, camera movement, mis-en-scene, common elements, examples, common sounds, what we like about the genre, and what we do not like about the genre. To make the process go faster, we split the work into 3 slides per person. I was in charge of doing the common elements of the genre, finding example films, and common sounds. The first slide I decided to work on was the example films slide since I already knew many action films. Through making this slide, however, I've discovered many other new action movies. Next, I worked on the common elements of the genre, some of which include fighting scenes, CGI, and villains. Finally, I began to work on the common sounds of the genre, which can include loud music with beat drops at the climax of the scene.

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